852 A Fine Vintage [15 August 2011]

Words no longer flow like they used to,
Stoppered up like a fine wine
Waiting to mature before pouring out,
Sluicing into a fine crystal glass.

These letters and spaces are tempered
By years that pass,
Soaking up the taste and experience
That life holds in its round cycle.

There are moments when
The opened barrel is ruined
By a weakened seal,
The words lost long before.

Echoes of those emotional torrents,
Still fill the space left.
The broken is then fixed,
Filled again to soak in those experiences .

Steady traditions and techniques
Ensure that within these vineyard tears
Form a tale in each splash upon the tongue,
Sorrowful or hopeful.

One day the place these vintages are kept
Will be discovered.
Their individual vast experiences tasted,
Revered by an appreciative lover.

© Johanna Fugitt 2017

851 [11 April 2011]

Poet’s note: I started this one intending to be something called “lyric” but it turned into something else.


I remember.
Love seemed so incredible and magical.
Love was true and possible.
Love was a bond between two of the same.
Love seemed to be waiting just for me.

I forget.
When love became a far-off fantasy.
When love became impossible.
When love seemed stuck on appearance.
When love seemed not meant for me.

© Johanna Fugitt 2017

844 Memories [04 April 2011]

Memories seem to flood,
pressed against the dam of mind.
Cresting, pausing at the rim,
as if in stasis,
until the drop too much
dribbles down the edge.
Funny moments squawk,
and amusingly dislodged,
breaking a smile into the outer causeway
as they follow the endless path
into the all-encompassing sea.
burbles in the gleaming waves,
as a moment caught
in glass-smooth surface,
pulled into the depths
reminds how silly
youth can be.

© Johanna Fugitt 2017